What is your name?

Judy B.

How long have you been coming to our office? How did you hear about us?

I’ve been coming to Dr. Anna for almost 11 months. A couple of my brothers-in-law and my daughter are patients of Dr. Anna’s.

What was your quality of life like before seeking chiropractic care?

Poor! My neck, back, and knee caused me pain which resulted in not being as active as I would have liked to have been. I have also been a migraine sufferer for the last 40+ years which meant a lot of lost days of living/enjoying life.

What solutions did you try before coming in?

For body pain, I tried every over-the-counter pain reliever there was. I pretty much took something every day. I’ve also gone to physical therapy for my knee. As for my migraines, I’ve tried several prescriptions over the years, and they either didn’t really work or made me feel worse, so I was a user of Excedrin and McDonalds Coke.

How has chiropractic care helped your health and changed your quality of life?

I have a life that is pretty much pain free! My neck and back have improved tremendously. The knee pain is completely gone and has been for months. I am much more active can exercise daily. As for my migraines, when I first started seeing Dr. Anna, they improved quite a bit as my neck improved. I still had them, but they were definitely less frequent and less intense. About 4 months ago, Dr. Anna started using the Blair technique on my neck. I have not had a migraine since the first treatment.! I averaged about 2 migraines a month since I was 15 years old and to be able to say I have not had a migraine in 4 months is a miracle! No more Excedrin or McDonalds coke for me.

What do you love the most about Be Well, Dr. Anna, and the staff?

Dr. Anna really listens and works with you to make you feel better, you can tell how much she cares about you and all of her patients. The energy in the office is always so upbeat and it starts as soon as you walk in the door and are greeted by Kirsten. Kirsten always makes you feel welcome and is so helpful.
