What is your name?
How long have you been coming to our office? How did you hear about us?
Since March 1st 2022. I heard about you from a good neighbor that comes here with her whole family.
What was your quality of life like before seeking chiropractic care?
I was at the lowest point my life had been, I had just returned home from over a month in the hospital including time in the ICU, I had complications due to covid. My body had become so weak from being bed ridden that when I was finally released to finish my recovery at home I couldn’t walk from my living room to the bed room without a break. That’s when I “threw out my back” . I’m no newcomer to back issues, prior Marine Corp and union plumber for 20 years has taken it’s toll, but this time was different, I was in tears. I was in constant pain and couldn’t move or do the simplest of tasks without support and help.
What solutions did you try before coming in?
Ha, solutions! I come from a world were most ailments can be solved with two Motrins and a change of socks. Your back goes out, you deal with the pain and wait it out…..it’s going to fix itself right? I knew guys that went to the Chiropractor, to me it was always just above voodoo magic.
How has chiropractic care helped your health and changed your quality of life?
How has it helped…..it gave me my life back. I couldn’t make it to the office door the day I came in without my wife helping me. I needed assistance laying on Dr. Anna’s table. My visit wasn’t anything like I thought it would be, there wasn’t any loud snaps or audible pops, Dr. Anna barely touched me, but I’ll tell you when I sat up from that table without help the first thing I said was “I feel taller” I immediately felt better, over the next few weeks Dr. Anna got me back on track , I was walking, I got back to work. Two months after my first visit I did my first ruck walk, 23 miles with a 40 pound pack for veterans suicide awareness. I come every month now to keep myself aligned. I need some dietary changes but I’m still walking my road to better health.
What do you love the most about Be Well, Dr. Anna, and the staff?
What’s not great about the staff here, from a smile and a warm greeting at the front desk, to an adjustment that makes me feel great. The ease of making appointments and getting in and out so I can get back to living. I honestly wouldn’t think of going anywhere else.